Admissions and Enrollment

To begin the registration process, please follow the link below. It will open a new tab. We partner with FACTS to make for a smooth admissions and enrollment process.  

St. Mary’s Catholic School
Kindergarten through 8th grades
Tuition: $5,750
Multi Student Discounts and Scholarships are available.

St. Mary's Early Learning Center (ELC)
Pre-Kindergarten students 3yrs-5yrs old. 
Tuition: $6,500 5days/wk

We accept Best Beginning Scholarships

FACTS is our tuition management provider. FACTS SIS is our student information system for things like grades and lunch billing. All families will create an account through FACTS SIS and then complete their tuition agreements in FACTS.

Thank you for choosing St. Mary's Catholic School.

Non-discrimination Policy: St. Mary's Catholic School admits students of any race, color, and national or ethnic origin. 

Mission Statement

The mission of St. Mary’s Catholic School is to form faithful, self-directed learners of integrity, by providing a high quality Christ-centered education through innovative instruction and personalized learning in partnership with the families of the greater Livingston community.